



No More Work ~問いただされる日本の労働~ Karoshi, death by overwork, is a unique form of death in Japan. Many people passed away, with 283 people’s death considered to be karoshi in 2015. 93 workers out of them committed suicide. Perhaps,…


Fate U.S. Will Face ~アメリカはどこへ行くのか?~ Two days ago, Donald Trump was elected at the 45th president of the United States. The unexpected result are transformed into a pervasive anxiety about the future. Judging from the number …

かつての日本はどこへ? -日本経済停滞の一つの原因-

Why the Japanese Economy Stagnates? ~もはや昔の日本ではない!?~ Japanese economy is staggering. The GDP of Japan declined from the second place to the third with China outperforming. Japan used to be the leading country in world that wa…


Is Abenomics No Longer a Good Thing? ~アベノミクスは成功か?それとも失敗か?~ It has passed around 4 years since Shinzo Abe was elected in 2012 as the prime minister. After the inauguration, he pledged to boost the Japanese economy, whic…