

かつての日本はどこへ? -日本経済停滞の一つの原因-

Why the Japanese Economy Stagnates?




Japanese economy is staggering. The GDP of Japan declined from the second place to the third with China outperforming. Japan used to be the leading country in world that was so eminent in robotic technology that it exemplified the ideal to other countries. Yet, Japan has relegated its position even in that area, and is no longer the leading country. As for productivity, good indication of economic growth, the index shows lower than most of other OECD countries. What is the cause of this phenomenon? What makes Japan degrade?



The main reason is lack of free competition. Superstar companies like SoftBank, LINE, or Google take over the market, and impede other companies to enter. In Japan, entries are more formidable. As for  TV industry, only a few companies are qualified to use radio waves and dominate the market. If the radio waves are distributed properly thorough the auction, it will have great impact on Japanese economy, but the present situation results in broadcasting relatively low-quality programmes by TV giants. Competition in Japanese market fares badly in spurring people to start new businesses because high entry barriers built by giants call startups for more costs than usually needed, and they try to exclude them out of the market thorough price controlling like predatory pricing.



Looking at this reality, the prime minister Shinzo Abe announced that it is essential for Japanese economy to facilitate free competition, with the hope that more startups can enter the market smoothly. New businesses or firms presents our economy with a lot of benefits in terms of employment and productivity, which are the unanimous concept for every economist. At present, small- and medium-sized firms under the age of five account for approximately 10% in Japan (National Statistics), which scores lower than other developed countries.



According to a questionnaire, many startups have trouble employing and dismissing people, mainly because of Japanese notion of employment that guarantee the lifetime service and promotion by ages. Once people get into a company to work, they do not have anything but to work permanently for the same company because it is the optimal choice to get well-paid.



A handful of startups never boost the economy and raise productivity substantially. Thus, more should be done for entrepreneur. The government would need to build the environment where every entrepreneur can think it is relatively easy to enter a certain market. The key in ensuring Japanese economic revival will be startups.
